Go purple and dance.

We must be aware of other mental health conditions too! Not only on Alzheimer’s Action Day, but everyday, remember embrace who suffer from dementia.

The Healing Mover

     September 21, 2012 is a date to highlight in the calendar. It is Alzheimer’s Action day and with the theme “Dementia: Living Together”, it marks the first global World Alzheimer’s Month. This means persons with dementia, their carers, and advocates from all over the world are collaborating in an international campaign to raise awareness and challenge stigma.

Organized by Alzheimer’s Disease International: The Global Voice on Dementia, the ripples felt by this campaign are spreading far and wide. From twitter messages labeled #ENDALZ and #WAM2012;  worldwide events and Walks to End Alzheimer’s collecting funds for care, support and research; to memorabilia such as bracelets, shirts, or limited-edition “Purple with a purpose” donuts, Alzheimer’s Associations are inviting the general public to go purple, take action, participate and share stories in global efforts to end Alzheimer’s.

The Health Economics Research Centre at Oxford University, calls dementia the greatest medical challenge of the…

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The BEST Medicine

Food for thought (no pun intended):

Think of food as medicine for the brain. Do not view food as having a positive or negative affect on the body because then you are engaging in a losing battle with yourself. Use CBT skills. Proper nutrition will positively influence your mood and values.

See? Fish are friends and food!!


And remember: all foods are created equal. There is no such thing as good and bad foods… so don’t discriminate:-)



Above is the link to the National Eating Disorders Association. Fundraise. Participate in an awareness walk. Explore your resources.

I will be participating in an upcoming walk and will be sure to post my experience.

Below is the truth the average American overlooks. Transcend the statistics. Click on the image for a larger view.

Awareness is key.

From CNN

A Recommendation

Eating disorder. So ambiguous. I encourage you to post your story. It is important that each one of us shares our journey through recovery. Please, do not post potentially triggering or inappropriate material. This is a pro-recoveryblog. I will be sure to share my struggle with Anorexia soon. For now, I recommend reading a life-changing book called: 8 Keys to Recovery From an Eating Disorder by Caroline Costin. I read it while in treatment–not your typical self-help book–it is worth it!

This is not your typical pity self-help book. Inside are interactive journaling assignments, DBT, CBT, and personal accounts.